Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Autism, Aniexty, Epliespy, depression, ADHD part 2

 More than half of people on the  Autism Spectrum have four or more conditions. What they are can vary from person to person. What everyone who is on the Autism Spectrum faces Anxiety and Depression one way or another, which isn't only in people with Autism but other problems too, and maybe those who face mental health who just face Anxiety and Depression or and Mental - ill health. That will be honest to say I have no knowledge about but you may get knowledge on other sites as my field is a disability, mental health all problems together awareness. 

The common problems people on the Autism Spectrum face. Before go on some people may get some, two which for all people on the Spectrum, Anxiety and Depression.  As for the others is likely to be some, all, etc. There may or may not be many more not listed. 

Anxiety https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/about-anxiety/

Depression https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/depression/about-depression/

Epilepsy https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/epilepsy/

Dyspraxia https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/developmental-coordination-disorder-dyspraxia-in-adults/







I have just found a site not only you will be learning from but me as well, in fact, you may or may not know more than me about this. In fact, this was unexcepted but could come useless for those who may or even may not have come across it.

You may wonder what is Flat affect? 

It's very understandable you may wonder what I am on about, it is such an odd name but as crazy as it sounds it is a condition. Even I was puzzled when I first saw the site. It is a condition that people may struggle to express their emotions. 

They are not able to express whether they are happy, sad, etc and they show no facial expression.

 They have no reaction to verbal communication. 


No or low emotional expressions on their face.

No or low emotional reaction to verbal or nonverbal ways.

  • appearance of apathy
  • a monotone speaking voice
  • avoidance of eye contact with others
  • little to no change in facial expressions
More information is on this site https://www.healthline.com/health/flat-affect#associated-conditions

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