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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Anixety in those who face Autism, disabilities, other problems and other forms of mental health

 This post isn't just to hopefully help those who support and empower people with disabilities etc but the people themselves. Although the Coranvirsus lockdown is easing it will probley still be a fair while until are out of the woods and even then, people with disabilities, etc will hit situations they will need, support advice, etc like we did before the lockdown.

Most people like myself have found that the lockdown delayed their benefit assessment, which in my case it is face-to-face. When it comes to this DWP has to ask us questions we may need support to answer, in my case I am lucky to have family support, not everyone is, and even more so in lockdown. On top of that, it is having to be phone appointments because due to the lockdown DWP cannot see people face to face, which some peoples' cases make it hard for them and even them are anxious that they may have answered if not all but some questions wrong, then they may be in fear of having their money cut or stopped. I feel personally this support needs to be put in place for those who are possibly struggling to access it because it is needed due to peoples' living. In the past, there have been many situations where vulnerable people have had the benefits stopped or cut to a point, it has caused them a lot of Anxiety and Depression, not enough money or no money to feed themselves, pay bills, depending on food banks, etc to a point of even suicides in most cases, let's not please see this situation again, thank you! This support is necessary for those who need it and the government needs to know vulnerable people need to eat, pay bills, etc like everyone, and if they need the support to answer questions to save their benefit they should get that support, it is a good and important reason and it should be allowed from those who know them and those who they can trust. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/

When someone is anxious and stressed they are not at ease. 

Everyone can anxious, worried, stressed at times maybe over an example or driving lesson, test, etc.

A person who does face Anxious and those who face anxiety with disabilities and or others face it more so and find it hard to control their worries in day-to-day life. 

What are the signs of anxiety? 

Signs of anxiety include: 

  • sweating 
  • sleep issues 
  • panic attacks 
  • hyperventilating 
  • negative thoughts 
  • catastrophizing 
  • self-harm. 

These are signs that anxiety has become a significant and debilitating issue in your life. Recognising this early can help you get the right support, therapy, and (sometimes) medication. https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/anxiety/autistic-adults

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