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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Really understanding mental health

 It is understandable how and why society can misunderstand mental health but it is very important everyone if not a lot of us learn to understand. Like I said in the last post even health professionals and those like me who live with mental health and other problems are learning all the time. For example, this is because as you would probably imagine and naturally so haven't got everything is to mental health and who wants to? No one. 

However' we know so much more now than we did in the past but we still have a long way to go. Mental health can hard to be believed but the more we are learning the more we are starting to understand. Mental health not seen like someone having fallen over not that I would wish that on anyone either. The only thing that is seen is the person's emotions, which doesn't always fully show how life really is for that person. In past, on the whole, society didn't even know the words of what people were facing let alone how it was affecting them. On the whole, before the days before counseling and therapy, they would look at you oddly and tell you just to get on with life, which I had a psychiatrist say that to me when I was facing my breakdown in the mid to late 90s. The first thing I thought was you just have no idea, do you? 

Another to understand though and it has been known for society to think people who face mental health have no positives about us, which is not the case and not always the case etc. Before I go on, never think I know everything about it because no one does, meaning we never know enough. Mental health can vary from vary person to person where most of us are more than others and either way no one should be made to feel ashamed, guilty, etc. No one wants to be thought of as if we don't have anything positive about us but don't just think because someone may be laughing smiling a lot that their life is completely okay. We may not know how but no one's life is completely negative or positive it is a mixture of both, in other words, it's okay to not be okay. Cause it's not okay to be not okay but there should be no shame or guilt in saying so if you choose to. No one is alone, no one is forced to talk or not to. https://www.insider.com/celebrities-depression-anxiety-mental-health-awareness-2017-11

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