Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 2 April 2021

Asperger Syndrome

 I am writing about Asperger Syndrome because it is the most common form of Autism if not the only one. I don't want to confuse you all without the word terms are or have been etc.  Like I said at the start of Autism awareness 2021, the numbers of people in the UK are roughly 700.000 and at least 1 in 10 are children. However' may face different nationalities, cultures, etc. According to the National Autism Society website, more men are diagnosed than women. 

I guess like all Autism as a whole people with Asperger syndrome see the word as very confusing, big, busy, etc, which not be easy for other people to understand. This is where they find it hard to communicate and understand other people to the point where others may think people with Autism something or someone they are not mainly if they don't know they have Autism, even then can be hard because they may not know about the condition.  For a lot of people if they don't know about the condition mainly they are not family, carers, parents, etc they may find it hard to like people with Autism least in most cases of having Autism myself. Autism is a lifetime condition that would make it hard work but could also be interesting in most cases if you happen to know people with Autism for a long time some if not most may improving, which may make them understand etc an easier than it was when you probley first met then etc. 

I am not going to say a lot in this post but what I am going to do is put on a link about Asperger Syndrome, which tells you about diagnosing, communication, and more. https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/asperger-syndrome

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