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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 16 April 2021

What is stress awareness?

 To be truthful this may sound really strange but there is no stress to what stress really is because it's some we are and not aware of. Meaning we are aware of it without realizing it because it's something we live every day one way or another in different ways, we are each other's teacher and learning. 

This because everyone has to face at least 1 thing if not more one way or another that is a challenge to us. When we think of something that's a challenge or and even new to us, it's too easy to think of the negative things or and the worst thing in the world, which is not always the case for example exams and driving tests are achievements but they can be a challenge to study, answer questions, etc, then mind racing thinking, have I passed or have I failed, this on its own is natural because we are working our hardest to pass, which it could be a million our things it could be indifferent, exams and driving tests are not lone but if someone easily gets stressed for a number of things I guess it can be a concern of what many would say mental health but more mental - ill-health, where anxiety, panic, and stress, depression can link together.  

Stress can be a  feeling of emotional and physical tension, where someone can be sensitive to a certain situation which can make them easily furstraighted, angry, or and nervous, which can react to the body but short bursts of stress can be positive in the sense of helping us avoid danger. https://www.healthline.com/health/stress

We can face stress due to how life treats us but like I said it is not just the negative ways but the positives too, to away in fact life in some ways can make us over welled.  

Balancing lifestyles can help to manage stress but it's not always they can be resolved. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/stress

Stress in everyones' life because have things to think do, etc but it's not always a major thing but can be if it gets too much even over positive areas as well negative. We are all at risk of stress if we are not careful with it. We cannot avoid it no matter how hard we try because it is part of life but those of us who are vuanble and more at risk are those of us who disabilities, health problems, or and other problems. Whether this is so or not, the smallest things to the general population who might feel it seems easy to sort, people face Anxiety, for example, they even find paying a small bill a challenge, which may make other people misunderstand thinking the person doesn't want to pay, which is not necessarily true, it's just Anxiety making them over - welled. This example is what some people would see as a mountain out of a molehill.  

What are the risks if stress gets too much? In view, it's common sense to say that stress can be a huge risk if it gets too much but it is different for different people. If not knowing our limits or and doing anything about, what, when, why how, etc it hits us is likely as a whole to be different to if not all but a lot of us. For example; if someone who faces heart attacks, stroke, Epilepsy, etc, may not be always the case but likely to hit them more so or should I say sooner than someone who hasn't got those problems or and any other if it comes to that. 

The easiest way to explain stress is that it is always there but how we react we have no control so either way is not shameful and it shouldn't be. Some people can face situations in their lives and on the nothing is a problem to them but others it's not much a problem but takes a lot to think about whatever it is to be able to sort it out. Depending on what is for different people. Minds are thinking, can I do it myself or do I need someone to help me? Either way, though we can only take so much on, we are only human. Without judging anyone, those who take things on easy as odd as this may sound, it probley the most concerning because it is hard to know how much they can take on. In my Mum's example, it was easy to let her sail through life but I will admit, it has been only in the last ten years or so I have really understood how much she's always taken but if I am honest even now I still don't have a clue. However' now I see all these years have taken its troll with Aurightus etc. When I was little etc she was never ill rarely if ever and always had as much engry as a racehorse. Therefore going by that take even a short time to breathe because no one can take on the world.   https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/s/stress

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