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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Where are you skills in your career?

 Just to say my skills don't just lie in lecturing in learning disability, mental health problems but advocacy, Mentoring, nonprofessional basic counseling. Therefore for those of you who are working and studying around the learning disability, mental health, and other problems, I don't only lecture but suggest advice on careers on learning disability, mental health other problems. As I may have said in my past posts I didn't just set this blog up to lecture students at the University by me but anyone who reads this blog and has connected with what I write about whether it students from other universities, colleges, workplaces, etc and even those are qualified and trained. 

As you all know the lockdown has changed things one way or another even though things are easing we are not out of the woods yet and even when we are there's likely I guess even more health & safety rules etc than there were before the Covanvirus lockdown. Therefore you may not be necessary at a loose end but may be looking for a little bit more in your career, which may or may not be a problem. At the moment due to lockdown carers, social workers, support workers, etc may be very limited when and when not support people who need it so there these people could be getting a lot less support than they did before. Even families are limited to when they can support, even though there might a slight improvement than the start of the lockdown to the vaccine but that can vary because some have had their first, others their second, and others have not had the first yet. Nothing is straight forward yet so I don't want to advise on what I don't understand but I would advise before you consider anything looks into it first cause there's nothing worse for eg; someone saying we cannot give you this job yet etc because you haven't had the vaccine or whatever the case may be.

Naturally, if any colleges etc open there may be only a limit amount and in some cases, it may be a mostly online course, in fact with this covid you may more than me. However, saying that I have had leaflets, etc come through the post from this college and most of them they do in the college.https://www.fircroft.ac.uk/

From now on ever so often I will do a bit of research on what courses and workplace were to do with disabilities, mental health and other problems whether it's online or with the colleges, unvisites, etc themselves, there's no promise they may not be for you or not, that is for you to decide whether or not whatever may be possible for you like for eg; the course may be for you but too far for you to travel, however,' lockdown or not I will put online courses on as well so all is not necessarily lost. Therefore I will be doing this sort of thing from now on say once a month. At the moment at Fircoft college, which is in Birmingham.  There is this course that may be helpful to someone or at least of you, it is in the college.

The Skills of a Care Worker 3 days, 2 nights Level 1 21/05/2021 23/05/2021 Residential Friday to Sunday

Useful Agencies



British Psychological Society:
0116 254 9568

The professional organization for chartered psychologists.  A directory covering the UK is available from their website.

British Society for Music Therapy (BSMT):
020 7837 6100


College of Sexual & Relationship Therapies:
UK’s leading organization for therapists specializing in sexual and relationship issues.

Black & Asian Therapists Network
Online directory of qualified therapists experienced in working with the distinctive African, Caribbean and Asian experience.

Education Support Partnership 
08000 562 561

National information, support, and counseling service for teachers. Telephone Support, Email Support, and Live Chat 

WPF Therapy (Westminster Pastoral Foundation):
020 7378 2000

For details of centers across the UK.


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