Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 9 April 2021

Mental health is easy misunderstood

 You can have everything you ever want or don't except out of life or nothing at all when it comes to that on the whole society either thinks if we don't seem happy that we are ungrateful, selfish, etc or they are feeling they really sorry for us, which is what we don't want. I will try to be careful how I say this but the world is too big to know everyone.

 However' however' isn't necessarily how peoples' lives are always the cause of our Mental health. Someone who faces mental health feels how they feel however life treats them it's not being nasty or anything to anyone it is their condition. Although, all of us have good and bad points in us whether we face mental health or not. In fact in mental health in most case and most of don't show to others how we feel, which this can vary from person to person. This in a way can be concerning but also in some cases some people may fear showing how they feel in case they get misunderstood for someone they are not. However, as I said in the last paragraph no one can speak for others because there are too many people in the world to say why they are what and even who they are, it is not our rights to take guess and judge a book by it's cover. 

Those feelings of such as sadness for depression, anxiety for anxiety, etc for example, whether we have only 1p to our name or a thousand pound or more. Why could this be? As strange as it sounds it's not necessarily always about the negative sides of life but also the positive side, such as being nervous about achieving exams, even studying, driving lesson, tests, etc, which could make people anxious while waiting for results, etc or before doing whatever they are doing. 

Just a few sayings. 

Just because I smile and laugh it doesn't necessarily mean I am happy: just because I am sad that doesn't mean I am ungrateful to my life.

Just because I am mostly sad doesn't mean my life is all black and white and  I don't think only me matters because everyone matters. 

I don't want to leave the world I just want to end my pain. This not me now, this is an example of how I have felt in the past and many others have felt and others are feeling it.   https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/celebrities-talking-about-depression-anxiety-and-mental-health

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