Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Asperous syndrome, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epliespy, Aniexty and Depression

( ADHD) is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which affects construction getting distracted or and disbursed easy, acting without thinking which may be saying, not saying and not doing, doing things without thinking about it, without knowing they are right or wrong. 

Finding it hard to sit still, getting anxious, etc. When most people think of ( ADHD) they think they always on the go, which right but not always the case, this may vary some may calm down and others may go the complete opposite, which both admit is a huge concern because they never are what should be in-between, meaning too much engry or no engry at all.

 For me, I went one to the other, had too much engry as a child and none now but in careers, such as education and work I always need some support. This is can be because I lack concentration, have Dyspraxia and Dyslexia as well, which is all part of Asperous Syndrome Disorder ( ASD). https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/

Dyslexia is a reading, writing, and spelling problem but the person can read, write, and spell but they problems along the way. Like getting letters, words, etc the wrong way round. On forms, they may have the right information but for them in the wrong places. When it comes to words, letters, sentences, etc in exams and it can lose them as many marks in an example as much as said someone who cannot read, write and spell at all, even though we all know they cannot be supported in exams other than say someone reading the questions out. However, in some cases, clearer layouts may help some people, like easy read, different colours of writing, paper, etc to their choice to what makes it easy for them. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/

Dyspraxia is when a person struggles with movement, which I have already written many posts on this blog, it can affect engry, actives etc.  

  • clumsy movements and problems with organisation and following instructions (dyspraxia)

Extra support at school, college, universities can often help.

Problems sleeping (insomnia)

Symptoms of insomnia include:

  • finding it hard to go to sleep
  • waking up several times during the night
  • waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep

Changing your bedtime routine can often help.

Find out more about sleep problems from the National Autistic Society.

Mental health problems

Many autistic people have problems like:

These conditions can often be treated with talking therapies or medicines.





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