Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Autism, Anixety, Depression, ADHD and Epliespy part 1

 Firstly I must say sorry about the last post because I don't think I wrote everything to the title and that was unintentional. To make up for this I am going to set it up into like bite-size information. 

I am Just researching on the Autistica site, which mostly writes about Autism, they say that Depression is very common in people who face Autism. Depression can easily affect people with Autism because of challenges in daily life due to the difficulties we face and fighting for support etc. On the opposite side fustigation and Anxiety in fear of not feeling equal to everyone else, which is where we face Anxiety and Depression, which not only common in Autism but possibly in people facing other problems too. 

Signs of depression in Autism.

Obsessive behavior 

  • Sorry about the size of the writing I have no font size on here. 
  • Stereotyped behaviors, such as rocking back and to.
  • Trying to avoid people, mainly those they don't know in fear of being misunderstood when talking to people.
  • Aggressive behavior towards situations they not so much not may or may not want to face but fear to face, this could be unexcepted to them or a sudden change of their route, etc, what may depend on what or even how and why this may have to be whatever it is, etc.  
  • Self - injury
  • lack of sleep 

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