Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Did John Keats face Depression

Since John Keat's death, experts have diagnosed the poet with manic depressive illness, an affective disorder characterized by the proximity of highs and lows. Statements such as "I shall get over my indolent fits" seem to suggest this predicament.https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-imprinted-brain/201408/can-you-be-both-mad-and-creative https://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/advisory-boards-and-groups/namhc/reports/genetics-and-mental-disorders-report-of-the-national-institute-of-mental-healths-genetics-workgroup.shtml

You may or may not have read on my past posts of me been inspired by John Keat's poems at the time I have my Mental breakdown twenty-five years ago. It crosses my mind to wonder whether or not John Keat faced Autism, Depression or and other problems, going by the topic he wrote his poems on, which was an emotional time he has because he had a relationship with someone to find she didn't feel the same way about him anymore or he was in love with someone who didn't feel the way about him as he did about her, which I was feeling rather similar towards one of my ex's at the time I discovered Keat's work, which inspired me into writing my own poetry.https://kidskonnect.com/people/john-keats/

Without going to it, I will be honest to say that very if not at all was Positive in Keat's life where he lost most of his family before himself, then struggled to accept the person he was in love with not being in love with him but at the same time, as times were say the 1700s to 1800, which there were no cure back them where he was facing TB. Despite of all that is inspired by his work and creating my own, I will admit very slowly it did help me to move forward in a positive way, even though it took quite a while. As as it's sounds I was feeling completely myself at that point in my life but I started to feel less alone somehow. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/poetry-is-not-dead-john-keats-is

Surely not all of his life was black and white but there seems to be no research that says there was a lot of positive, although he had been a successful doctor at some point in his life and despite his poems being emotional, he was rather talented.  https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=K6NtDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT121&lpg=PT121&dq=Did+John+keats+face+Autism?&source=bl&ots=asntTcBvxT&sig=ACfU3U3C3ZwgpeAan3jjEELl5nGxmDJR_w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixrfax75nwAhWxSxUIHY8-CHIQ6AEwEHoECAYQAw

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