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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Mental health, Autism and Epliespy

 Although the title of this post is Mental health, Autism, and Epilepsy, there may be other conditions, etc that can make people sensitive to different situations, stress, etc. With this, you may have to watch your own safety and others as well as the people themselves. I am not saying there aren't people out there who will harm anyone on purpose, but we are all human we all have good points and bad even those of our conditions, etc I am not make any excuse for anyone's behavior but there's are different extremes, etc in different conditions, etc people may face and it's not necessary but their conditions they face. It is okay to get other services involved etc if your service cannot help enough etc. 

One old fashioned saying I used to hear when I was younger is stress is the worse killer of all and I have said it's true if it's not a killer it is a risk and really truely speaking we are all sensitive to it one way or the other, let be honest. However, some of us are more sensitive to stress than others, which makes it a little a bit harder to cope with what other people do and that is because face certain conditions, etc that make us sensitive to it, such as Autism, Anxiety,, Epilepsy, depression and maybe other mental health problems, illnesses, etc, this is where we need more help than someone who doesn't face them, which doesn't mean it doesn't affect them too but us more so but that doesn't make us any different or special to anyone else, etc just that we may be more so danger if we try to or and get help. As you may be aware the coronavirus lockdown we have been facing for the past nearly 13 months has been making it hard for people to get the support they need and even before then the last 10 years before say there have been struggles in funding in most service etc. 

Epilepsy and Anxiety for example; can because, etc probley by so many things but what they both have in common is, as a whole most people facing both of those without saying anything else is important. If these peoples' Anxiety levels are higher enough etc it may cause them without meaning to worry anyone but a possible increase seizure bought by stress among other things maybe. I am not saying Anxiety and Epilepsy are the only conditions but that is something for you to look into, such as the possible risk of panic, heart attack, this may not be the case but maybe depression thoughts of suicide, etc. Sorry to talk you well write with the negative but don't get me wrong, you may not face this a lot in your career or never hopefully, but these possibilities could happen.  https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/anxiety  https://www.nice.org.uk/about/nice-communities/social-care/quick-guides/enabling-positive-lives-for-autistic-adults  https://www.mqmentalhealth.org/conditions/autism-spectrum-disorder-asd/

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