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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Understanding disability, mental health, Autism and other problems

 Just before starting to create this post I have been doing a fair bit of research. So many years ago I saw reports of people with disabilities etc, who had taken their own lives over benefits cuts, which may not go on as much now but all the same, DWP needs to learn more about disabilities, mental health, Autism, and other problems. The reason for this is because as I said in the last post about concerns mainly through lockdown as well as out of vuanble people needing support in assessments etc. This is a report although it says January 2020 it was posted on Facebook about a month or two ago. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jan/28/disabled-man-starved-to-death-after-dwp-stopped-his-benefits  These sort of things have happened in the past through cuts, don't let them happen again through the Coranvirus lockdown or any other reason, there is no reason for lost lives. 

Also, I have seen another right report concerning people with Autism under the mental health Act. The Government needs to know that Autism isn't a mental health problem or illness even though people can face mental health linked with Autism. To my understanding this report, which due to my Autism it would be no surprise if I have misunderstood, they are trying to take the rights and independence away from Autism, well more information is on this link.https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/news/change-to-mental-health-law 

In this post, I am raising awareness of the difference between learning disability and mental health where most people quite right so get confused in thinking it is all in one and it's not, it all links together. Maybe the easy way to explain is this example; say someone gets a benefit form through the post that needs to be filled in for a certain date. That person lives alone and needs support to fill in, even if they have some form of support that may be limited. Not to say that it isn't possible to get support. Not everyone is supported by a carer, social services, etc. Not everyone has support on their doorstep. If they only have family and friends they have other lives or in my case, my Aunt lives an hour away and my cousin works shifts, which is according to when they are free, which isn't always possible when things need to be done. Now because the person needs to find their support, which is no ones' fault people have other lives and things to do but all the same causes the person Anxiety because they need to get that form done for a certain time. This becomes more of a challenge at the moment because a number of places are closed through the lockdown. The person may well internet pc etc but may not know how to use necessary everything on there. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/health/mental-health

More often than not it takes a certain situation for a person with disabilities etc to become Anxious about whatever the situation may be, mainly when it concerns them trying to find support. 

Mencap is a great charity and I am not doubting them but all the same, with me having got disabilities and other problems myself, I do agree that learning disability and mental health isn't all in one it links. From my experience, Mental health is linked to disability. Many others who face the same if not similar will say if this is not the case, why do we get anxious easily?

 Everyone faces emotional situations such as relationship breakups, deaths, etc. Now I will also include people who face mental health in this as well as other problems. I am not saying those without mental health, disability, etc don't struggle but if you face them you are just likely to struggle longer than those without on a whole, which is what have found in myself when I have faced emotional situations.

 My answer as a whole mental health level in disabilities etc as a person struggles through everyday life, which could be furstraightion, anxiety, etc and many cases even depression. People with Autism as a whole face high levels of Anxiety and Depression. https://www.mencap.org.uk/blog/whats-difference-between-learning-disability-and-mental-health-problem

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