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Sunday, 4 April 2021

Autism Specturm disorder

 Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) affects communication and behavior. It can be diagnosed at any age but it is a development disorder this is because it appears in the first two years of life. 

All forms of Autism are pretty much the same but maybe very few differences. Difficulty with communication, interaction, limited interests, certain behaviors, struggles to function in education work, etc.  I may be wrong but a form of speech may be more severe in Autism Spectrum than Asperous. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/signs.html

According to the link I have just put on as you will may find out the Autism Spectrum doesn't start until a child is three if it's going to, I have looked at another site and it says to my understanding if any signs are seen it needs to get diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-spectrum-disorders



Definition of Autism Spectrum disorder. 

Autism Spectrum is more severe than Asperous Syndrome but it can vary and there are not a lot of differences between the two forms. ( ASD) stand for both of them which is rather confusing so, in the long run, it could be earlier to say and write the long forms depending on which one you mean.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is an impairment condition like Aperous Syndrome disorders but more several. They have more problems with social communication, stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests of actives are very limited. Abnormal development in early childhood, there may be a history of language delay could be very slow with speech, speaking, etc; or no speech, struggle to say certain words, etc. As this may vary don't talk my full word for it. If you are in any sort of career supporting these people, study, research, etc  I guess you will find out that way. Some people make certain, sounds, noises people don't understand, which where your communication formats may come in. If don't work in hospitals or any other health profession maybe look into looking for communication education in your areas of work and study you do but here's an example on this communication hospital book site, which may help you with the people you support. https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2016-06/hospitalcommunicationbook.pdf

Here is more you may need to know about Autism Spectrum. https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/379?gclid=CjwKCAjwx6WDBhBQEiwA_dP8rSjxn-6RxVKdLYrH7iEVSBvPK-8QNbHds6HT_xzb2RrBcI0ne781iRoCnNAQAvD_BwE

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