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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 9 April 2021

It's real it's not all in our minds part 2

 What I am explaining in this post is, I guess there's all kind of name it could be and there's not a lot of awareness because it is emotional and not something can really prove unless someone witnesses. As strange as it may sound it is not something a person may be aware they may be facing. They may face it for years and not really be aware. I guess can happen even in people that people think they are their friends, relationships, or and even family. Even if other people are aware, the person themselves may not do and accept it as normal rows. Therefore the person who responsible for making that person unhappy tends to get away with it. Although physical abuse is not nice either, mental abuse is hard to prove because one person plays with the other person's mind. Like I said it's hard to put a name but maybe another possible cause of Post Traumatic Stress disorder, which other causes may be in other people trauma of accident and abuse, which mental abuse could be one of the abuses. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/impact-traumatic-events-mental-health


If you are facing any form of emotional stress, Post Traumatic stress, etc, here's a link you can look at if you wish to.  https://domental.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw9r-DBhBxEiwA9qYUpYDufzD_jamlnfM0yicHgfsDh_vBEUzgpJpdh4wVszcWxPO38pITDBoCzLQQAvD_BwE  



Emotional abuse is less aware because it's hidden and a person controls the person's mind mentally. I guess on the whole it's something not seen in front of others but when the person is alone with the other person because the person doesn't want others to know what he or she is like. In front of others, they tend to have a way of making themselves out to be a good person as possible, thinking sooner or later they won't get found out, and if the victim tells them they won't be believed but in some cases, it's not the case. However' there is probley some situation that is the opposite where the person could make him or herself found out and not really aware they are doing that. On the whole, others click on sooner than what the victim does.  No one is saying this should or not be the case but it is not considered as a crime because it is not physical. It seems for the victim to walk away from the person but in some cases easy than done, which some people longers than others and even others not at all depending on the situations they face from that person and how controlling they are. 

I guess as counselors, therapists, health professionals, etc if you come across people who open up to you in these sort of problems, all you can do is guide them through, suggest things, refer them to someone, or were more experience if there's anything your not sure how to deal with, etc. Yes, I admit it is more of a personal problem but it can have a huge control on that person's life because they are forever thinking about how they need to speak and be with that person etc, which doesn't need to, or and always be the case. Never tell them to leave their lives etc but it's okay to say what they are to except if they do or don't leave their lives, for example, I guess if that comes up in the session. https://www.verywellmind.com/identify-and-cope-with-emotional-abuse-4156673

Here is an example of someone playing with someone's mind but there are other ways as well people can behave when they are or trying to play peoples' minds. More information on emotional abuse on the link next to the last paragraph.  My example is; someone who excepts his or her partner to accept it when the relationship is over for anything length of time but also excepts them to welcome them back when they want to come back etc.

Just to say and I may have said in past posts, emotional abuse may happen to anyone a person knows whether it's the person thought of as a friend, partner, family, someone from work, college anywhere, etc. 

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