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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Difference between Mental health and Mental illnesses

 Sorry without meaning to confuse you, I will be enrolling in an online Mental health course myself tomorrow so I will be writing pretty much my lectures on what I research but some I know already. Before getting to the point of this post mental health awareness starts today and no idea how long for but I know there's a Mental health awareness week in May which is 10th May till the 16th May 2021. My course is three weeks but I will be making time to write my lectures up to after Mental health week if not longer. However' even every day, if not at least every other because people who face them live with them every day. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week?fbclid=IwAR1Nyx23hbfsnwB-rTBirXse_ugw5_TFcq_E319hNYO37X18iXqtpVAHBtE

Okay, examples of Mental illnesses are Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Anxiety, Depression, and an eating disorder.  These are examples of emotional well-being.

Eating disorder https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwivrc-19-vvAhWHlLIKHW2PA3UYABACGgJscg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2arZiQ7427T0cbNvuWh7e8B-GaZIUmrQcKWYf_JdzErfgh7oP3AogICIs4w_RKlopE31CJO1PSIRli_FHRPQ&sig=AOD64_15Jv86wDAl_kTs081CCMSnncxfHQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiQwMK19-vvAhWS_rsIHSB1CKYQ0Qx6BAgGEAE

Bipolar disorder






With the support and treatment, these people can live as equal to other people as possible. 

The way it can affect peoples' lives is their emotions such as what I have put my posts before but even with and without these things in some peoples' cases for example relationships and friendships break up, deaths of people they know, job, business losses, which also they make take longer to accept and come to terms with compared to other people or some never accept and come to terms with things. 

Okay, trying to understand the difference between mental health and mental illness, I am learning myself so let's learn together in my own words. From what I am reading now is that Mental health and mental illness are increasing, which we can well believe mainly in the past nearly 13  because of us facing this Covanvirus lockdown and we still are even though it's slowly easing. 

This may or may not come as a shock or and surprise to you but we all face Mental health but all in different ways because there's no health without mental health and we all experience it and struggle with it in different ways, our mental health well -being physically and mentally. 

When we think and talk about mental health we bring on well-being and emotion, the way we and others, think, feel, behave and interact with life around us and others.  https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/q-and-a/whats-the-difference-between-mental-health-and-mental-illness

Our Mental health can vary to how we do and don't look after ourselves and one another for example; how we sleep, how we get along with people, our diet how we eat, hope we cope with the world around us, how do our hobbies, interest, etc even. https://hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk/issue/mental-health-and-mental-illness-yp/

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