Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Autism, Anixety, Depression, ADHD and Epliespy

 No one knows the reason why and before I go on, I may be wrong but it may not be necessary for everyone who faces the same problems or some of them, etc. This may vary from person to person. I will be honest to say I am not sure whether or it is faced with only a certain form of Autism. I have just come across an old report online saying that it is possible people with Epilepsy face higher rates of Autism than those without Epilepsy. However I may be wrong, it may be the case in most of us and not with all.  They are also saying in some forms it could be linked with (ADHD) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Depression, they concerned people who face this are at higher risk of seizures. 

Although they aren't aware clear why this is, they said Epliespy seems to have a link between many Mental health issues. https://share.upmc.com/2015/06/epilepsy-and-mental-health/

According to the Healthline site, as we all know sorry to bring something you already know that Epilepsy causes seizures. They say you face Epliespsy you are more likely to face Depression, which personally not sure about you but from my view, it is a yes and no answer but then not surprising to be true in emotional things playing on the mind, which could be Anxiety and Depression where the mind is just not resting from the situation that is upsetting the person, which could cause them stress, Anxiety and even risk of seizures. This not be just emotional situations it could be paying bills, filling forms, etc for a certain date-time, a time limit, etc. As I said before on this website if people need support then it's finding those who can support them with these things say for example benefit forms etc. Even as crazy it sounds the positive things too, studying, exams, driving tests, etc because people naturally trying hard to pass.

Signs of depression but I guess in Anxiety too, how this happens not all these apply to everyone and it's likely not everyone will face all other than say feeling down and even anxious with life.

Feeling sad

Feeling angry

This may cause eating and sleeping habits to change whether it's more or less

It can affect relationships and even how you get along with other people, who may be parents, family, friends, people you work, study, socialize with, etc. 

It may affect such things as the concentration at work, school, college, university, etc.

This may affect peoples' moods towards themselves and others, this may mean they may be okay one minute, not the next, good days, bad days, etc or this could vary to some people feeling down on the whole.

 Some may feel a sense of shame, guilt, etc where you may not see them for ages, etc because they have locked themselves away because they don't want to take it out on you and others. This is hugely concerning because there is a risk they may lack confidence etc and even more so if they are holding down a job etc. 

When I was facing my breakdown in the late 90s, one thing I cannot work out and I never thought about it at the time, I guess because I was very much in my own world. When I started to get better, I realized from when I was going through it, I was struggling with my work not getting good reports off people I worked with and lucky I was only on old government schemes at the time, good but strange I still managed to get through my studies even though I totally wasn't myself at all yet in most areas at that time I had no self - esteem at all. However' wherever I was going, it was always a struggle getting out of bed because it used to take me ages to sleep at night as my mind was racing with thoughts.

 I couldn't seem to stand staying at home but when I was out I wasn't very sociable either like I just wanted to watch the world go by sitting in the pubs, cafes, etc. When I was up and out of bed I just wanted to leave the house wherever I was going and dread coming home at the end of the day. If I am honest I neither wanted to stay in or go out and either way, my mind still wasn't at rest and I have to say there's no easy way without sounding negative to say this. I wouldn't have seen like this at the time although I was aware of felt I couldn't go on and anymore but oddly because my mind wasn't at rest with what I was and wasn't doing, I wasn't unsettled and I wasn't feeling as if I wanted to go on but glad say lucky I am glad I beat in the end.

 Somehow I decided to go for counseling and started writing poetry so lucky I was on the mend. It is easy to say to people if I can do this you can but sadly it is not the case for everyone but it may be for some people and those who do will find their own ways of moving forward. Not saying for everyone but for most of us, it's just having empowerment behind us, it was with me but I understand not everyone is lucky as far as that is concerned.  

Different types of depression

Major depression which a person may face a couple of weeks or more this may affect their ability to work, eat, sleep, study, etc.

  • Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) is when depression symptoms last for at least two years in adults or one year in children but are not as serious as in major depressive disorder.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PDD) is when depressive symptoms are related to the monthly menstrual cycle.
  • Perinatal or postpartum depression occurs in a woman during pregnancy or after delivery.
  • Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder is when using substances or medications causes depressive symptoms.
  • Depressive disorder due to another medical condition is diagnosed when a medical condition causes depression.
  • Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is diagnosed in children 7 to 18 years old. Symptoms must have been present for 12 months or more and include chronic, severe, and persistent anger and irritability that lasts most days and temper outbursts (verbal or behavioral) that happen three or more times per week.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is when changes in mood are related to the change of seasons, starting in the late fall or early winter and going away in the spring or summer. It is based on reduced daylight.

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