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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Is stress mental health and self awarness

 Is stress mental health? In my mind, if nothing was happening in our life, it would be a boring world. The answer to is stress mental health is a yes and no answer. I know this makes no sense but generally a yes to everyone in our way, for even those who don't face disabilities, mental health, or problems, even you are as fit, healthy can be, etc. Whether you are lucky enough to manage your life as a whole or need some help, a lot of help or even none. However, if we are honest all of us need at least little a bit of help. We are all human, we are not machines that someone can press and we will go. Sorry I know I said this in so many words in my last post but this get's me to my point of what I am trying to rase.

Stress is not a psychiatric diagnosis, stress is linked to mental health. This is most likely because it is part of everyone one way or another but I would have thought naturally there are so many exes screams from person to person. What doesn't affect one person affects the other etc. If most things you face in life are challenges to you then you may face Anxiety and even Depression but no one is alone as these days it's more aware of than it ever was but I won't lie, we still have a long way to go.

Self-awareness.  Now believe it or not Self - awareness is a strange one and is it an easy awareness to raise? You may or not be surprised to hear the answer is yes and no in my view unless it is my imagination one way or another. When we read the word Self - awareness we think about one person ourselves which it is but then it's about more meaning for all of us. To be honest, one can look at it in the way one likes meaning themselves, others, just themselves or others so I guess depends on the way you look at it, maybe your reasons. Now many may see the word self-awareness as selfish which is not or shouldn't be the case even if you are just studying for yourself. It is neither a good or bad thing to learn about one's self, help ourselves before learning about others and helping them. In fact mostly like we doing this every day of our lives without realizing it. I used to be a Self - Advocacy worker when I was with Royal Wolverhampton Mencap oddly with the sound of the name I felt I sounded selfish, which then wasn't the case cause the purpose of that was speaking up for those similar if not facing the same as me with facing disabilities etc. 

Remember about over a week ago, I said I was going on a Mental health course that's not happening due to no funding in my area. However' before I enrolled etc, my Employment officer sent me a Tutorial.  Before then I always thought of Mental health as a whole but from that, that's not necessarily the case of there being Mental Health and Mental - ill health. You may be thinking with me saying this, what is that to do with Self-awareness? Mental health is part of Self - awareness part of you, us, and me. The way we live, manage our lives, etc. Meaning how we think, feel, behave, reaction and interact with the world around us. Really to make it more understood I think it should be our or us awareness rather than Self - awareness. Whether we face Mental ill health or not is how sensitive we are or not in the way we think, feel, behave, react, interact, etc, this could be emotional mental illnesses, which could be for example; Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, etc, which be in those who face disabilities, mental health, or any other problems or without. Here is more on Self - awareness. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/developing-self-awareness-manage-stress-lisa-whittleton

Being responsible for ourselves. This could be to be responsible for how we think, feel, behave, react and interact. Yes, Mental health can play a huge part in these things but Mental health is not responsible for everything we are as well but all this can vary to what and which things. This where we all need to work these things out which is not always easy but then no it shouldn't be because should know what is our intentions and what isn't but it doesn't always work that way. https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/stress/  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/mental-health/ https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/self-esteem-and-self-confidence/  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/self-help/  https://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/self-injury-and-self-harm/

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