Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 23 April 2021

Problems that affect Autism

 ADHD affects peoples' construction, acting without thinking, and finding it hard to sit still. Needing extra support in school. college, university, work, etc. However, it may not be the case in everything and even everybody, depending on what they are doing, how much they know, how much don't know, etc, the person themself, the problems they face, etc to how much and how little support they may need, it may vary, which I guess the easy way to find out is by assessing the person's abilities and needs. Some things the person may tell you themselves but others they may not know until they do the task of whatever that may be. For eg; school work, coursework, work tasks, etc. 

Dyspraxia motor skills and cooperation problems, lack of strength and grip, just as opening jars, bottles, chopping up veg, letting heavy hot joints out of ovens, straining veg for example so the list goes on. They may be clumsily dropping things, falling over, they may struggle to get organized, etc. https://www.longdom.org/open-access/similarities-in-dyspraxia-and-autism-2165-7890-1000231.pdf


Like Dyspraxia Dyslexia is a learning difficulty but one is slightly different from the other. Dyspraxia is a physical and mental learning difficulty whereas Dyslexia is a mental learning difficulty. They both the same with reading, writing, and spelling.  In most cases, it's likely to be that the person might know there are certain letters in a word but they may put the letters in the wrong place of the word or a word or a few in the wrong places of sentences for example.

  Both Dyspraxia and Dyslexia can affect memory, lack of comprehension and probley lack communication as well.  For example; when I was a small child I remember getting told off by one teacher because in handwriting I forgot to miss a line between the date and the title, which back then professionals weren't really away of these problems. It could be a person who could ready well may struggle reading certain words etc but put the book etc down and ask them what is about they don't know.

 My teachers never understood that in me, neither did I myself. I have improved a fair through my life but have problems with it in some areas. Most people may face problems with the sounding of words, orders how things go, etc, even pretty similar with numbers. Like mixing 62 with 26, dog for bog, bs, and ds, etc. 

There are positives in Dyspraxia and Dyslexia such as arts, drawing, painting, craft creative writing, etc. Although Dyspraxia may have its limits such as crafts as sewing, knitting, etc, which may be a challenge to most people in the terms of strength, grip, etc.  

Most people with Autism face sleeping problems, which is (Insomnia), this can be mostly due to Anxiety with the mind thinking about everyday issues, etc that may be bothering people, which may be a change of route and all sorts of things. When I was a child my Mum sent me to Boarding school. When I think about it now, I understand it was for a good reason because she was a one-parent family, back then there was handy no support and due to my problems, I was a handful. However' I faced bullying etc and I struggled to say why I wasn't happy there in a way others didn't understand. Without saying my life was all negative which it wasn't I faced bullying etc every school I went to. With Boarding school though having to sleep there was a challenge when I started when I was seven first time being without my Mum, family, etc. Even before then I faced sleeping problems but being with different people etc took a while to get used to it even though I did but then not sure I did but I was there till I was twelve.  

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