Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 5 April 2021

Understanding Autism as a whole part 1

 Before I make my point about this post according to Autism worldwide awareness, Autism Awarenesses' last day was yesterday for this year but not for me I raise awareness of the conditions I face, etc whenever is possible try to every day but that's not always possible because people who live with them live with them every day of their lives, including myself which is nearly 52 years since birth.

 If you are on Facebook and if you so wish I have an all one disability, mental health and or problems awareness group for those who face them and those, who care, support them, etc, which could also mean though who put them through their careers another thing etc whether your training, qualificating, trained or qualified. This group is for parents, families, friends, and partners too who not only know the people who face the conditions, etc but care and support them, etc. It's called For Disabilities & all problems and awareness every day.

 Short Introduction on me and my career. 

Anyway getting to my point, I am normally less than a part-time visiting lecturer of learning disability, mental health, and other problems at the University in Wolverhampton. When I started this career, I raised awareness for Royal Wolverhampton  Mencap as well as the University Wolverhampton a number of people with disabilities, then so many years after Mencap folded and had the funding cut I came back to the University in 2012 and doing things for them involvement when they have them. Even when nothing is happening with them I am still putting things on my blog, which isn't just for the students who I lecture but other people who are involved in the learning disability, mental health, and all problems field.

About Epilepsy, Autism and Mental health awareness.

In the last week or two, we have had Epliespy awareness day on the 26th March and Autism awareness week 29th March till the 4th April but it doesn't stop for me, even though it might be stopped for them and also we Mental awareness on the 7th April until when doesn't matter cause it stops with me. Throughout my life, I face Epliespy on and off as most of you may have read on past sites of mine on this blog, faced Anxiety and depression with my Epilepsy and Autism. Even though the University is less than part-time anyway, the last 12 month just over, due to the Coronavirus lockdown, there have only 2 sessions I have done online because of the University being closed, despite that, I have carried with a blog not only to try and educate others who work, study or and connected in the disability, mental health, and all problems field, which is for those who families, parents, etc too, it helps to keep sane too through this lockdown. 

Sorry to take so long to get to my point, I have decided to link Epilepsy, Autism, and mental health together in this post. As far as I know, my childhood seizures were more night terrors, then I would wake up in the morning with a wet bed.  There has been one serious seizure that happened when I was 33 years old. My mother had locked herself out of her house and asked me to have the keys ready and I started to feel unwell as my Mum was knocking on the door. I had to sit on the stairs to come down them, and as I just about opened the door to my Mum, I have no idea what happened as she somehow got me up the stairs and into bed but my other seizures I was aware of what was going on but still facing shaking, headache, pins, needles, etc. There may have been more to my Epliespy than what I have just said but my family etc probley know more than me.  

Going by facing Autism, Epilepsy, and Anxiety, things to think about sort out, etc that is important benefit forms, paying the bills, etc, which to be fair to my Mum she has set my bills to get paid direct debit so I don't get into owing money difficulties, etc but there are other things I get that need to be sorted for a certain, etc that I cannot always do along and mainly in this lockdown can be a struggle getting support to sort whatever. Little things like that can play on the mind, which may sound crazy to the general population but a huge worry to the person, who is responsible for getting whatever to the time they want it and even more so if you need support to do it and you have to find that support, then becomes a huge panic when trying to find it in enough time. If your a person who is highly sensitive facing anxiety where you easy worry, get stressed etc, it's easy for someone who doesn't face the condition to say let your mind rest, if the person faces seizures as well this could be a risk the longer it takes to get sorted by, which time it could be too late where the person may owe money and struggling to find it, etc or if it benefits they may have their benefits cut or stopped and maybe need support to stop that but this could be an example of many things. Therefore Anxiety and Epliespy could link pretty similar in the sense of been bought by stress, when people are sensitive to worrying, panicking, etc. On top of that Autism links in with extreme of Anxiety. 

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