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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Problems that affect Autism part 1

 Bearing in my mind it may or may not be the case that everyone who faces Autism will the same problems or and the same amount this could vary from person to person. The common problems are likely to be Anxiety and Depression and I will admit those two mental health problems are most likely linked to all forms of Autism as I said before, ADHD, which may not be in all forms but those who do face it, it's likely to have extra effects on their lives in the terms of stress and being misunderstood by others which Autism is alone, Gastrointestinal  (GI) problems, Epilepsy, feeding problems, sleeping problems, 

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/other-conditions/
  • Other negatives difficulty getting along with people making friends, relationships, family, parents, and even communicating with teachers, tutors, people they work with, etc but it is not impossible just a difficulty. 
  • Unaware of peoples' feelings, thoughts, and emotions, etc but they do feel remorse if or when Aware.
They may struggle to say things, write things, or even do things in a way to be understood. For eg; take the phase to break a leg, which admit is probley not the greatest of example because it may be understood and misunderstood in different people different ways. Easy way of saying this where I cannot of example at the of my head. In their minds, they have no intentions of causing harm but when saying whatever they plan may not come out the right way, where they may get wording, etc wrong. 
The expressive break a leg is more similar but also taken to some people as if someone is telling them as it says go and break a leg, which a basic example of someone harming someone's emotions, which by some people emotionally intended but someone says someone with Autism or ADHD even both, may say it too quickly without thinking to mean reacting without thinking. 

Therefore, if someone doesn't know or and understand a person's problems and that person has taken a phase like a break a leg to the heart, there can be no going back for the person with Autism depending on the person to who they said it to. However' not saying everyone, some people are understanding, etc but others may see things in a different light if ever the person with Autism explains or someone who knows, where they may see that as the person someone trying to define what the person with Autism has said. Don't get me wrong, we are all human, we have good and bad points, even people with Autism other problems have responsibility for one's actions but pretty much most not all is due to problems these peoples' face. 

In general society, we cannot force everyone to have an interest in the learning disability, mental health, and other problems field and as I said everyone has responsibly for their own action no who we are, what we do and don't face, etc but for those who are not into the field there's so much unknown to them without saying it is their loss if you know what I mean. 

With the right support behind Autism, people can be just as successful as other people, such as scientists, actors, etc. 
Most people may face like in my case, leave school with nothing to show for themselves and then catch up in adult life, has not done me any harm but then when leaving school with nothing your spending more time catching on studies than being reading to achieve that successful job you may be skilled at and you enjoy, earnings are enough to live on, etc. That doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my life but I have gone about with positives and negatives, which I still have had to in different ways if my life would have turned out different than what it has been. Not saying my life has been bad, worse, etc but let's see it's better for others the same but similar to me. 

However' supporting these people is showing the world isn't all black and white. Let's change negative into positive where from my experience but not in every day, I have this feeling I am hard work for others, cost too much, etc to a point I feel my disabilities, etc are my fault, as I could speak before I was born I am going to give myself problems to give others problems and need the help of others a lot, then there's a feeling life is not worth living but no but yes we may cost but with the right support and patience around us we can be as successful as people who can make successes for themselves without or very little support all different ways.  

 I cannot speak for other people and, places in the world but the UK has tried to fund to support, etc but then cuts come in, etc, which has been happening probley over ten years if not more and yet when I was a baby, child, and teenager there were no support services at all, etc. My Mum just have to depend on family support and going out to work to support me the same as parents would with children without problems, which was hard but she got by considering she was a one-parent family, she did amazing and she still is. https://www.cbc.ca/parents/learning/view/i-want-to-share-10-positive-traits-that-people-with-autism-have

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