Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 19 April 2021

More on ADHD 2

 As promised I will try to find ways for people who face ( ADHD)  and even other problems too if I can. 

As I have made you aware that ( ADHD) affects construction, which means a person may struggle to multitask, meaning doing too many things at once. They may struggle in long jobs that need to be correct and done for a certain date, time, etc, which may be the same with the courses. However' all these needs are the right support, know the topic, have the interest to learn the topic, etc and they will be as successful as anyone who can do whatever on their own if needs be. 

When facing ( ADHD) trying to pay attention to what is going on around is not easy. We struggle to concentrate on what others are saying, when to speak and when not to etc. Many people may think due to the concentration span there's no hope for these people but with the right support, there is. It is just learning to be that right support, which is down to the person themselves as well as you or and whoever is support them. I admit I can only speak for myself to say and others who face the condition may or may not say the same. 

Support advises. 

Start off by empowering or encouraging people with ( ADHD) to open to their disorder without any guilt and shame people themselves.

Don't make them feel bad about their difficulties.

Let them know that you understand that they struggle to wait their turn when to speak, when not to speak etc.

Make sure the topic of work, study, etc is in the person's interest, if it is not the person is likely to struggle and not want to carry until it is finished, then you can support to do it correctly to the time, date, etc it needs to be done for. 

No one should think they are weak, thick, etc, because they struggle to get organized, etc.

If there's time to support the person to get organized before them starting work, study, etc if there's no time do it for them and support them to do the job, study, etc when they ask, also check ever so often, etc to see if it's correct to how the manager, teacher, etc want it. 

Work hard to make the negatives into positives as much as possible.

You won't get cross with them if they ask for help or say I am not good at whatever it may be.

Let them know you don't feel ashamed of them and no one is going to harm them etc.

You are here to support them to do what they want to achieve. 

Let them know you believe them, despite of the negatives in ( ADHD) and other problems too, they don't stop people from having positives either. 

Important they need to remember from home, elsewhere, etc, make sure you remind them by text, email, etc, it may not be the case for everyone but texting or emailing in large print, they may remember by, they may struggle if you phone them unless they lose their device, etc. They may remember you had phone them but may not remember what you say or only remember part of it etc. 

Just to say ( ADHD) isn't just a childhood disorder it is a lifetime disorder. It is still there in teenage and adult life but in those years hyperactivity tends to improve. It may not be the case in everyone but there are concerns the person may change from having too much engry in children to none in teenage and adult years, which getting active etc could be a struggle to most people. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-the-basics/index.shtml

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