Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 30 April 2021

Remember yourself

 Just remember I am no professional but a person who has faced counseling, therapy, etc in my own past. At the end of the day, we are all human and we all have feelings, thoughts, etc, even the people who help us. Again like I said in the last post, no one forced to do what they don't want. 

'However' as you know last and this year hasn't been easy for anyone due to the covid lockdown and even before then people were struggling with mental health and the cost of funding mental health was high then and higher now. All the same, whatever we do and don't mental health services are needed not only for those who counselors and therapists support but for themselves too and other professionals etc. In a lot of past posts, I have said about concerns about loses and changes to businesses and jobs, but mental health services are the places we cannot afford to have or lose.

 Lockdown has caused the work for mental health support to increasing I am guessing to the point those who help us have no time to think about themselves but they are probley not the only ones, doctors, nurses, and many more not just even in the health field. Depending on the work you do I guess it goes one way or the other, big workloads or nothing at all. All the same, this post benefits everyone, no matter, who you are, what you do and don't, whether you have disabilities, mental health, or any other problems or not.



 Trust me, I know nothing whatsoever about Mindfulness but try to only think about what is happening now, not tomorrow, yesterday, or any other day. 

Forus on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions today. 

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