Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 26 April 2021

How and why Sara revealed was created and written

 Although this blog's Title is called Sara revealed it is not just about me, my disabilities, mental health, and others problems. Although I can only speak from my own experience, I hope this blog helps those who face similar if not the same in all ages and how you may be able to help others but I can only speak for myself as I say so others may say different to me, which may need to come from them. However' my blog is just an insight into what to expect from disabilities, mental health, other problems, etc. 

Although says on the blog is about me, it means for others who face similar if not the same as me.

It's not easy being understood when having a disability, even making myself heard. I am writing this blog to show my disability affects me in my day-to-day life and what help and support I need.

I hope this website helps people in the lives of people with disabilities, mental health, and or other problems such as parents, carers, families, support workers, social workers, etc, with all levels of training qualifications, even those who are trained and qualified in the field of disabilities, mental health or and other problems to help and empower those who face them as much as possible. 

Just to say I didn't set this blog up on my own, I was supported by my Mum and sister in August 2007, so many months after my Grandmother died, which as I said at the same time I started raising disability and mental health awareness for Royal Wolverhampton Mencap till May 2011. Since then I have gone from Public Advocacy Mencap to private Advocacy that was for a learning disability service One Voice, then a Visting Lecture on learning disability and mental health for student professions. 

With Autism, disabilities, mental health, and many other problems, it's very easy to look at things in negative ways when really not all is black and white.

 The reason this, for example, take Autism lack of communication, comprehension, understanding, etc is not only a challenge for me, others whole the same, similar to me but those for those in their lives who could be parents, families, carers, friends, partners, social workers professionals, etc. 

Even harder for those who don't know us and those who know we face what we face. This could be an example of other problems too but struggle to get along with people is something else because it can cause people to face Autism for example having difficulty achieving friendships, relationship, even with those who know them such as parents and family, even with carers support workers, social workers, and another professional who are trying support them, even treat their health, etc, which straighten for the person and the people around them as a whole.

 However, there are ways of not letting Autism or whatever, the disability, mental health, other problems, etc beat us.  Okay not all people who face disabilities may want to this but most may and that doesn't mean being an awareness trainer is the only career for people like us, but can be honest say awareness is needed because people similar to myself should be able to have equal lives to you but just with the right support. Speaking as a whole sorry if I sound a bit hasty etc, sorry if I sound harsh but at the same time, cost, time, money everything else but we want our rights as much as you want yours. Not only we are will to help ourselves and each other but possibly your career and that is that there need to be more chances for people with disabilities etc to raise awareness of disabilities etc to those in our lives to understand us. Not only for professional carers but our parents,  our families, our friends, partners, etc, meaning those of course who don't face disabilities, etc. 

Just to say just because I write this blog I don't expect everyone who reads it to agree with everything or anything I write etc. Sorry to bring up what I have said in the last post that people with disabilities etc seem to face as a whole, probley more so back in the day but it still happens quite a bit time after time. Not meaning to defend anyone but in many cases is the truth where society tends to look more so on our weaknesses than our strengths. Not saying it's all the while but society needs to forus more on making us feel good about ourselves, not giving us a feeling as if we shouldn't have been, we cost the world too much, and for we are hard work to the world. Sorry to say this but, to be honest too many negative words make us feel bad about ourselves and as if we should be ashamed to be alive.

 However' sorry to sound negative so how do you support us to have more positives. Well, we know a lot of us is down to us to try, which many of us do so it's not all down to you but us being told too much negative doesn't help us. Help forus more on what we can do, than what we cannot. This could be setting goals etc, building up confidence, self - esteem like I wrote about on the ADHD posts. Autism and ADHD are two the problems that most of us face that bring in negatives into us in the terms of socializing, trying to focus on work, and education. It gives u a feeling we cannot do anything right for example with ADHD a person may struggle to think before they react, they may struggle when there's a lot of people when that can and cannot talk, which may affect relationships, friendships, etc with others. 

Just to say I can only know and write about disabilities and other problems I face but their others that I don't, which I will put on some links on this post, some will, may, etc be the same, similar to what I have written but others won't be. https://changingpaces.com/6-general-types-of-disabilities/





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