Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Mental health and autism part 1

Just to say Autism is not a mental health problem or illness, it is a condition that does have mental health linked to it such as Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, or OCD. It is a lifetime condition. Autism is a Spectrum and it has grown very worldwide whereas when I was a small child, I wasn't aware I was facing it and yet neither many people I guess all ages in that time so there were probley so many of us but we didn't know. We and society I think thought we were just us and we were the way we were but never known what and really why. 

Socially we have difficulty communicating with others.

Sensitive to the world around us. 

Find hard to cope with change and route, may take longer than others to get used to it. 

It can make it hard for people to function probley in school and other areas of life but from my experience, we catch up in adulthood but it may not be the case in everyone, or maybe in some people, I can only speak to what I've faced. 

People with ASD struggle to have hobbies, interests, learning, etc, this can vary to different people where they may not start to show interests, etc till they maybe in teens and 20s yrs, even then it may be for most people the same things but this is not necessarily the case for everyone. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/stories.html


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